System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Current message text
lockmanager-fail-openlock (Talk) Could not open lock file for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-releaselock (Talk) Could not release lock for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-svr-acquire (Talk) Could not acquire locks on server $1.
lockmanager-fail-svr-release (Talk) Could not release locks on server $1.
lockmanager-notlocked (Talk) Could not unlock "$1"; it is not locked.
locknoconfirm (Talk) You did not check the confirmation box.
log (Talk) Logs
log-description-interwiki (Talk) This is a log of changes to the [[Special:Interwiki|interwiki table]].
log-description-renameuser (Talk) This is a log of changes to user names.
log-fulllog (Talk) View full log
log-name-interwiki (Talk) Interwiki table log
log-name-renameuser (Talk) User rename log
log-show-hide-patrol (Talk) $1 patrol log
log-title-wildcard (Talk) Search titles starting with this text
logdelete-failure (Talk) '''Log visibility could not be set:''' $1
logdelete-log-message (Talk) $1 for $2 {{PLURAL:$2|event|events}}
logdelete-logentry (Talk) changed event visibility of "[[$1]]"
logdelete-selected (Talk) '''{{PLURAL:$1|Selected log event|Selected log events}}:'''
logdelete-success (Talk) '''Log visibility successfully set.'''
logempty (Talk) No matching items in log.
logentry-delete-delete (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|deleted}} page $3
logentry-delete-event (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of {{PLURAL:$5|a log event|$5 log events}} on $3: $4
logentry-delete-event-legacy (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of log events on $3
logentry-delete-restore (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|restored}} page $3
logentry-delete-revision (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of {{PLURAL:$5|a revision|$5 revisions}} on page $3: $4
logentry-delete-revision-legacy (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of revisions on page $3
logentry-interwiki-interwiki (Talk)  
logentry-interwiki-iw_add (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|added}} prefix "$4" ($5) (trans: $6; local: $7) to the interwiki table
logentry-interwiki-iw_delete (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|removed}} prefix "$4" from the interwiki table
logentry-interwiki-iw_edit (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|modified}} prefix "$4" ($5) (trans: $6; local: $7) in the interwiki table
logentry-move-move (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|moved}} page $3 to $4
logentry-move-move-noredirect (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|moved}} page $3 to $4 without leaving a redirect
logentry-move-move_redir (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|moved}} page $3 to $4 over redirect
logentry-move-move_redir-noredirect (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|moved}} page $3 to $4 over a redirect without leaving a redirect
logentry-newusers-autocreate (Talk) User account $1 was {{GENDER:$2|created}} automatically
logentry-newusers-byemail (Talk) User account $3 was {{GENDER:$2|created}} by $1 and password was sent by email
logentry-newusers-create (Talk) User account $1 was {{GENDER:$2|created}}
logentry-newusers-create2 (Talk) User account $3 was {{GENDER:$2|created}} by $1
logentry-newusers-newusers (Talk) User account $1 was {{GENDER:$2|created}}
logentry-patrol-patrol (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|marked}} revision $4 of page $3 patrolled
logentry-patrol-patrol-auto (Talk) $1 automatically {{GENDER:$2|marked}} revision $4 of page $3 patrolled
logentry-renameuser-renameuser (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|renamed}} user $4 ({{PLURAL:$6|$6 edit|$6 edits}}) to $5
logentry-renameuser-renameuser-legacier (Talk) $1 renamed user $4 to $5
logentry-renameuser-renameuser-legaciest (Talk) $1
logentry-rights-autopromote (Talk) $1 was automatically {{GENDER:$2|promoted}} from $4 to $5
logentry-rights-rights (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} group membership for $3 from $4 to $5
logentry-rights-rights-legacy (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} group membership for $3
logentry-suppress-delete (Talk) $1 {{GENDER:$2|suppressed}} page $3
logentry-suppress-event (Talk) $1 secretly {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of {{PLURAL:$5|a log event|$5 log events}} on $3: $4
logentry-suppress-event-legacy (Talk) $1 secretly {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of log events on $3
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